HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-03-03 Certificate of IncorporationCERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
I, CLYDE L. MILLER, Secneta)ud o6 State o6 the State o6 Utah, hereby centi.6y
that .the City Commission o6 SaEt Lake City, Utah, has ceAti6.ied to me .the names
o6 municipaU-ties .in which a mafo-tUy o6 .the e2ectoxs voting upon .the pnopoAition
to estabZizh a public tnnnsit distAict voted a66iAmati.veey and .that the totaZ
asse6sed va2uati.on in .the appnov.ing municipaCi.ties as shown by .the county assessment
necon.d6, accond:ng to this Zazt county assessment no.e.?.s .in the aggregate, .is two-
tlw.d6 v�L none o6 .the tota.E asaessed vaP.uation within the distttict as pnwposed
.in .the wu:g.inaC initiating ondinance6.
16u LtAerc cexti.6y that each o6 .the mun.icipatitieb named .in said centti.6.icate
have heP.d public heah.ings sub6equent to .the election and .that .the govenn.i.ng body
o6 each mun,i.ci.pmLity by nesoluti.on has determined that .the public .intenes.t woukd
be served by dncoApohating and onganizi.ng a public txzuit di.s.thict to be known
1 have examined .the Centi6.icnte and 6.i.nd that .it complies with .the tequiAement6
o6 Sections 11-20-12 and 11-20-13, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as enacted by Chapter
12, Laws o6 Utah1969, F-Lut Specint Session. From the ceAti6.icate o6 .the SaEt Lake
City Commission, I 6.ind .that .the Di6th,i.ct .is comp& sed o6 the munic%pali tiee o6
Sa. t Lake City, South Salt Lake City, Mwucay City, Bingham Canyon.
Accoxdingty, 1 hereby .issue .this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO THE UTAH
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto
set my hand and a4bi,xed the Ghent Seat
o6 .the State o6 Utah. at Saet Lake City,
This thiAd day o6/MMan.ch A.D., 1970
eeA6tany b6 State
Title 23 on Ine Revised Urdinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relaf-
Ina to motor buses, stage lines and
automobile rental by eoealino Chao -
ter 5, rClatlnq to the creation of
Public transit District Authority.
and by adding thereto a new chapter
to be known as Chapter 5, relatlnq
tg the creation of a Public Transit
District Authority.
Be of ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Sall Lake City,
3N 1. That Chanter 5, Title
no to the creation of a Pub -
.it District Authority be, and
he.et.v, is repea0.d.
:)N 2. That Title 23 of the
Ordinances of Salt Lake
in, relating to molar buses,
ies and automobile rental.
I the same hereby is,
by adding thereto a new
to be known as Chapter 5,
the Public Transit District
to read as follows-
in operation has
so that present r
tems have been
services rendered
and eauloment h
retina with the re
unable io provide
Ice needed by cif
able to plan, esti
hate area -wide m
transportation. TI
vitatlty of urban
factory movemen
these areas, in I
congestion and it
housing, lourfsts
other oovernmen
being ieocardized
Sec. 23.5.3. Trai
sary 10 finance c
problems Involve
fpVrnishlna public
tlon for the Pri
needs of the oe,
are of such mat
Sys -
it mar mev are
ne tvae of serv-
Ins and are un-
Ish and coordi-
r000lltan Public
unity need for
the welfare and
eas, the saffs-
f oeoole within
enind of traffic
ffectfveness of
highways and
Programs are
plexlly that the va
transit systems, munic
counties acting Indivi
the ability, finances I
,d future
the stale
and corr,
us urban
tons to resolve, establish and
coordinate urban transportation.
Therefore, 11 Is essential to es-
tablish a puublic aaencv known as
a transit dlslrlct which can oDOr-
ate In Its own right and authorttv
and exercise lurisdlction without
being restricted to unlcfoal. cor-
Dorate or county Tm I$ or day-
erned by reoresentalives of the
government units lying wititin
the district. 11 Is the ouroose of
this act to Provide the means nec-
essary for mass transportation of
Persons presently and In the
Sec. 23-5-4. Public convenience
and necessity for district. Now
therefore. It Is hereby declared
that DWI convenience and neces-
sltK require Incorporallon of a
Pu Iic Transit District which can
ogere:a In Its own right and au-
Ihorlly and exercise lurisdlgCllon
without restriction to munlcloal,
corporate or county limits or I is
government of oovernmenlal un Is
Ivino within the district. It Is for
the purpose of this ordinance to
Provide the means necessary for
mass transportation of persons
Presently and In the future, all
Pursuant to Chapter 12, Laws or
the Slate of Utah 1965, First SPe-
clal _Session, as therein made and
Sec. 23.5.5. Cities to be Includeedd.
Th f the names of the munlcl-
Dal lties and a description of the
areal to be Included within the u-
risdiction of the proposed dlstrIct
Is as follows:
Incorporated areas to be Includ-
Cih• of Salt Lake City
Cily of South Salt Lake
City of Murray
City of Midvale
City of Bingham
City of Sandy
Sec. 23,5-6. Election to be called.
That It Is contemplated that an
election will be called on the
fourth day of November, 1969, for
the ouroose of having file Prowsl-
civallfled ell
area for ra
City Recorder
BII L NO. 89 of 1969
Published October 7, 1969
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eafth and
s of Salt
nance be -